
I cried, 'Come, tell me how you live!'/And thumped him on the head

Today was interesting.

I read poetry that made fun of Wordsworth's poetry. It was good (the parody, that is.).

I also, apparently, smell funny. In a bad way. According to Michelle, anyway; but then she made things okay by saying I can take her food and eat it.

In Early English Literature, I was told by Dr Ricke (as he chuckled) that I really "get into Middle English," in a good way. In such a good way, actually, that he doesn't have to correct my accent while reading out loud, AND he's going to check with the facilitators of the big medieval literature conference in Kalamazoo this spring to see if maybe they'll let me participate in the reading thing, even though I'm an undergrad and undergrads aren't usually allowed to participate. *squee* I don't think anything will come of it--indeed, I very strongly doubt it, but it was a nice compliment.
And we discussed avian mating habits. No, I am not kidding.

Oh, and Sparty amused me today after lunch. He quoted from the text of NetHack (if you don't know what NetHack is, shame on you! In fact, worse than shame! Fie! Fie on you! FIE!), saying, "It is very dark. You will probably get eaten by a grue." No, there was no real context for it, but it was funny anyway. And no, I don't know really what a grue is, because they live only in dark places and eat any people who invade their dark places.

Random quote from Monday's D&D session: "Can I climb him? He's a surface!"


M. Anderson said...

The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.
- Zork I, in response to the question "What is a grue?"

Anonymous said...

The word grue was first used in modern times as a fictional predator from Jack Vance's Dying Earth universe. Vance probably took the name from an archaic/dialectal English verb meaning shudder, now most commonly encountered in the word "gruesome".